Chanakya’s death on a Garbage Pile

Chanakya was born to Chani and Chaneswari in a village named ChaNaka during late 15th century BCE. This ChaNaka village was in Golla Vishaya (golla region) of South India. Multiple sources including Hemachandra who wrote Parishishta-Parvan, mention … Read more

Samudra Gupta defeated Alexander in 326 BCE

samudra gupta alexander war

Historians have wrongly mixed Maurya with Chandra Gupta I. His son Samudra Gupta defeated Alexander in early 326 BCE. Alexander III of Macedon, after conquering Asia Minor, Egypt and Persia, invaded India in 327 BCE. He defeated … Read more

History of Malwa Kings since Mahabharata Era

Sage Markandeya narrates the story behind Malava Kings (Malwa) to Yudhishthira, when asked if there has ever been a woman whose devotion matched with Draupadi. Madra king Aswapati, and his wife Malavi had one daughter, Savitri and … Read more

History of Andhra since 4th Millennium BCE

The last King of Kanva Dynasty (7th dynasty to rule Magadha Kingdom), Susarma was killed by his general and minister by name Sindhuka or Srimukha (an Andhra Brahmin) who ascended to the throne of Magadha in 833 … Read more