Civil Engineers built Highway in Ramayana

Valmiki Ramayana describes highly skilled engineers, excavators, mechanics, carpenters, road-menders, wood-cutters, hollow-makers, men skilled in plastering and white washing, basket makers, tanners and skilled supervisors building Highway from Ayodhya to river Ganga. 2nd Chapter in Ramayana, Ayodhya … Read more

How Camel became Vehicle of Lord Hanuman

Hanuman Temples can be seen with Camel as mount (vehicle) in front of his idol. Ramayana and Parasara Samhita describes multiple instances where Hanuman could fly at wind speed and also cover long distances like flying across … Read more

California, USA was Kapila-Aranya

Rishi Kapila was born to Kardama Prajapati and his wife Devahuti (daughter of Manu). He is mentioned in many Puranas, Ramayana and multiple vedic hymns. There are multiple Kapila rishis over many generations. Narada Purana enumerates two … Read more